
Oeyen & Winters

Graphic design duo since 1996
Tim Oeyen, Antwerp °1971
Sanny Winters, Antwerp °1975

Gitschotellei 331, 2140 Antwerp, Belgium
+32 478 98 10 36 Tim
+32 477 57 54 02 Sanny


Photography by Koen Broos.
Webdevelopment by Ronny Van Der Borght.

Tim Oeyen, Art Director / BadCop ©Koen Broos Sanny Winters, Art Director / GoodCop ©Koen Broos

360° O&W

Belgium Xtra Bold

Published by Lannoo / Henry van de Velde label 2014 / © Sanny Winters

The Belgian. Does he exist? Setting all bias aside, I embarked on a quest. In search of our strengths, of the things and people that make us feel proud. In search of those pivotal moments in our history that still bind us together. In search of our peculiarities, including those we would rather sweep under the carpet.

A book by Sanny Winters.

Big Bang Festival

Brand identity, illustrations and campaign for ‘Big Bang Festival’, an international adventurous music festival for a young audience, organised by Zonzo Compagnie.

Kommilfoo & Mich walschaerts

Icw Lanoye productions

Campaign design for several productions by Kommilfoo. ‘Schoft’, photography by Johan Jacobs, ‘Mich zingt’, photography by Thomas Dhanens.

Koen broos 3

Icw Koen Broos / Best designed book 2011

Book design for artist / photographer Koen Broos. The use of lightweight paper forces the reader to take the necessary time to look at the pictures. This book was awarded as ‘Best designed book 2011’ by Design Vlaanderen.

A book by Koen Broos.

De Boekendokter

Icw Silvie Moors, De Dagen

Brand identity, illustrations and campaign for ‘De Boekendokter’, a project of DE DAGEN. ‘De Boekendokter’ listens, reads and shares book tips. Live, on the phone and by email.


Young Americans

Icw Charlie De Keersmaecker

Book design of the photographic reflections of a road trip across America by Charlie De Keersmaecker. The bold uncoated paper combines great with his strong black and white pictures.

A book by Charlie De Keersmaecker.



Different cover illustrations for Knack magazine. Aylan, Doel Tihange, Bxl 22 march.

Illustrations by ©Sanny Winters.



Logo, art direction and campaign design for ‘No Waste’ in cooperation with Chris Van Gils (Content Moon). Website and magazine design that both provide information about the correct use of the refrigirator, plus recipies to use leftovers in the kitchen. Also created; small videos starring Dimitri Leue!
Photography was taken care of by Studio Verne, drawings were made by Tom Schoonooghe.



Echt Goed, Bioplanet


Art direction and design for the Bioplanet ‘Echt Goed’ campaign in cooperation with Chris Van Gils (Contentmoon). This resulted in several newspapers. Also small collectible pockets – with home made recepies – were created. Diego Franssens and Diane Hendrickx took care of the photography, drawings were made by artist Piet Raemdonck.


Icw Astrid Vanderschueren, Klaar Wouters

Art direction and graphic design for Juttugram, a newspaper distributed by Juttu conceptstore.

The Bright Side of Belgium

Published by Luster

Graphic design and numerous illustrations for an inspiring book and a passionate ode to some of Belgium’s most beautiful cities and regions. The various chapters discuss the architecture, art, cuisine, fashion and design of Belgium, and include lists of the best places to shop, eat, sleep and drink.

Buy poster ‘Antwerp’

Altius Lawyers

Icw Julie Dutordoir

Logo design, art direction and brand identity for an independent full-service Belgian law firm with an international focus. Goal was also to create original images representing the firms different facets. Diane Hendrickx took care of the photography, Siska Loraine was consulted for styling.
